Saturday, June 26, 2004

-=< Halavais: News>=-

Good advice for grad stud'nts. Oh, you don't need advice? See if I look up anything for you ever again. Now I know how Lear felt before the blindness thing. I didn't like that part.

Sunday, June 13, 2004

Magnatune: MP3 music and music licensing.

The music is OK here, the classical stuff is very fine, especially the cello/viola da gamba channel, but the implications of open source labels must be frightening to RIAA-types. Hey, bands know where they really make money, clubs and tours and, most importantly, sales of t-shirts and cd's at the door. Classic dis-intermediation, short for cut out the freaking middleman, especially ones as perniciously evil and greedy as RIAA-ilk.

Tuesday, May 25, 2004

The Diebold Variations

Even if Kerry "wins" the Republicans have a failsafe---touch screen voting. trading cards

Just what we all need to while away these long summer afternoons, a little g&t and a little crittheory card games. Have fun.

Friday, May 21, 2004

The Independent Weekly: With trembling fingers: "The irreducible truth is that the invasion of Iraq was the worst blunder, the most staggering miscarriage of judgment, the most fateful, egregious, deceitful abuse of power in the history of American foreign policy. If you don't believe it yet, just keep watching. Apologists strain to dismiss parallels with Vietnam, but the similarities are stunning. In every action our soldiers kill innocent civilians, and in every other action apparent innocents kill our soldiers--and there's never any way to sort them out. And now these acts of subhuman sadism, these little My Lais. "

What more is there to say when hope is gone?

Tuesday, May 18, 2004

Tiny Mix TapesThis is so much fun. Time to crank up the p2p and get some of these mixes together.

Sunday, May 16, 2004

Cool tool via Kevin Kelly Posted by Hello

Kevin Kelly -- Cool Tools: "The ultimate lightweight backpacking camp light. A tiny 4 gram chip sits atop a regular alkaline 9-volt battery which acts as body, handle, stand and power source. "

Saturday, May 15, 2004

Instructor Resources

Where oh where are they now? Carrie, Derek, Shaun? Art thou working? Art thou playing in the fields of the Lord? Art thou getting jiggy with it? Pray tell. Posted by Hello

The road to my home. Posted by Hello